Sunday, July 15, 2007

NOW....we care

I'm curios, actually amazed.
What is it with all these rock stars/movie stars, these wanna be greenies, pseudo-environmentalists, social commentators and quasi-psychologists.
Who do they all think they are, Sir Bono, or Sir Bob?
Give me your Linkin' Parks, your Green Days, your Angelina Jolies and your Paul Newmans.
What the hell has happened?
What happened to the SEX, DRUGS and ROCK'n'ROLL?
What happened to the drunken binges, the drug overdoses and the asphyxiation in ones own vomit?
Next thing you know, OZZY will be born-again, Sabbath will keep the Lord's day holy and Gene Simmons will give to the poor!
Give me a break!!!
Keep your hypocrisies and your public displays of charity and care for your neighbours to yorselves, actually stick them up your a@#es!!!!
If any of you hypocrites and show ponies were honest and real for a minute, you would soon stop being so disgustingly rich and hedonistic, so debauched and (in)famous.
True charity is not from your excessive excesses, that is a mere insult and a slap in the face of those whom you so caringly purport to be funding.
You conceited, pompous and arrogant parasites, who have made your fortunes on the backs of the unsuspecting and complacent massess who pulsate to the satanic inspired beats and overtly themed and hideously inspired themes of your movies and TV shows.
Shame on you for fooling us!
Shame on us for allowing you!
Shame on us all, for we are doomed to a cycle of death and decay.

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